Train with Abi Evans: CrossFit for Rugby

January may be mid-season, but the cold winter months often mean that rugby training can be challenging.
To help give you some inspiration and motivation to hit the gym this month, we’ve recruited Scotland winger and Rugbystore Athlete Abi Evans to create a CrossFit-style session that is perfect for rugby players.
Kitted up in Canterbury’s training range, Abi’s session will help you kick-start your strength training this year so you can finish the season off in style.
If you give it a shot, don’t forget to let us know how it goes! Check out the video below for a demo of some of the exercises.
Part 1: Lift
Push press – 5x 5 reps
Make sure to pick a sensible weight you are comfortable with lifting above your head – you can always build up the weight after.
Complete the five sets together, taking recovery in between each.
Part 2: Body Building
Double dumbbell bench press – 4x 10 reps
Feet planted on the floor, try to get into a good rhythm as you lift the dumbbells.
Pull-ups – 4x 6-8 reps
Aim to extend your arms at the end of each rep so you complete a full pull-up each time.
If you need to adapt this exercise, use resistance bands to help support your movement.
Part 3: WOD Circuit
Four rounds, aim to complete this as quickly as possible.
20x calorie row
Feel free to substitute the row for a bike, ski erg or assault bike depending on availability.
Make sure the equipment monitor is set to show calories burned so you row for the right amount of time!
15x down-ups
No cheating here! Make sure your chest touches the floor and you lock your hips out at the top of the movement.
10x heavy kettlebell swings
Remember to push through your legs/hips to avoid putting too much strain on your lower back.
Give the session a shot and let us know how you got on! And, to get kitted out make sure to shop our women’s collection here. For the men, there is a wide range that will help you power through training.